Meri Kirihimete! Sport Northland closes on 20 December 2024 and re opens on 13 January 2025 - if you need to get in touch with us, please email and we will get back to you on our return.
Rautaki Rohe
Te Tai Tokerau moving forward in partnership - a regional strategy for play, active recreation and sport
Kōkiri ai te Waka Hourua is the 2021-31 strategy for play, active recreation and sport in Te Tai Tokerau.
Undertaken as a collaborative project between the Northland Sport Coalition, Sport Northland, the four Northland Councils, Te Kahu o Taonui (the Iwi Chair’s Collective) and Sport NZ, the strategy provides a high-level strategic framework to guide decision making for play, active recreation and sport in Te Tai Tokerau.
First and foremost, the strategy looks to create a bi-cultural future for play, active recreation and sport in Te Tai Tokerau, with the name (Kōkiri ai te Waka Hourua) reflecting a desire to move forward under the waka hourua (double-hulled canoe/waka) partnership, allowing people to give effect from a tangata whenua (iwi/hapū /marae/whānau) approach and a tangata tiriti (people of the Treaty/non-Māori) approach.
This strategy and its insights will help guide our approach, programme of work and how best to undertake planning for future provision. By working in a collaborative manner, a view of the priorities for future play, active recreation and sport needs has been developed. It is intended this will help guide Councils across Te Tai Tokerau, and relevant funding agencies, in their decision making. It will also help the sector as a whole be better informed as to what the needs, rather than wants, are across the region.
Relevant Documents:
The Northland Aquatic Facilities Plan was developed in 2023 after being identified as a reccomendation within Kōkiri ai te Waka Hourua.
The Northland Sports Coalition Executive Annual Plan highlights the areas of work the Coalition will be focussing on in 2023/2024.
District Spaces & Places Plans
There is an importance and need for Kōkiri ai te Waka Hourua to be supported by district level, facility and programmes focused plans and strategies. Whangārei, Kaipara and the Far North district level plans will help inform future reviews of the over-arching regional strategy and will collectively inform council long term plans (LTPs) and work programmes across the full range of sector organisations.
Whangarei Active Recreation and Sport Strategy
The Whangārei Indoor and Outdoor Courts Strategy is a strategy that outlines the current supply of courts and assesses this against current and potential future demand.
It concludes that while there are generally sufficient outdoor courts, there is a significant under-supply of indoor courts, inhibiting participation in a number of sports and recreational activities.
The Sports Field Supply and Demand Study is an outcome from the recommendations within the Active Recreation and Sports Strategy.
The foundation of the study was to quantify the actual sports field capacity and the hours demanded for competition and training by code. We would then implement a plan for sports field improvements (drainage and floodlight installation).
In addition to this, the plan was also to identify if there was a need for additional sports fields or additional artificial turf (if / when required) over the next 10 years.
CDL Group Northland Sports House
97 Western Hills Drive, Kensington,
Whangārei 0112
CDL Group Northland Sports House - 09 437 9600
McKay Stadium / Kensington Fitness - 09 437 4404