
Sport Northland 



(The whakapapa/genealogy of creation)

Ko Te Kore-The void, energy, nothingness, potential

Te Kore-te-whiwhia-The void in which nothing is possessed.

Te Kore-te-rawea-The void in which nothing is felt.

Te Kore-i-ai-The void with nothing in union.

Te Kore-te-wiwia-The space without boundaries.

Na Te Kore Te Po-From the void the night.

Te Po-nui-The great night.

Te Po-roa-The long night.

Te Po-uriuri-The deep night.

Te Po-kerekere-The intense night.

Te Po-tiwhatiwha-The dark night.

Te Po-te-kitea-The night in which nothing is seen.

Te Po-tangotango-The intensely dark night.

Te Po-whawha-The night of feeling.

Te Po-namunamu-ki-taiao-The night of seeking the passage to the world.

Te Po-tahuri-atu-The night of restless turning.

Te Po-tahuri-mai-ki-taiao-The night of turning towards the revealed world.

Ka puta ki te whaiao ki te ao marama Tihei mauri ora!

The word WHAIAO has a whakapapa of its own so we must acknowledge its origins to best grasp the depth of the kupu. In the creation story for Māori there was Te kore and Te Po which is displayed above briefly explaining the time before time. It is from that whakapapa we get the kōrero you will often hear from orators “Ka puta ki te Whaiao ki te Ao Marama” moving from the never-ending darkness and the nothingness into the world of light and the world of knowing/consciousness. Whaiao speaks to moving from the unknown into knowing so it can be likened to the constant pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment with the whānau we engage with. Whaiao is accepting that we do not have all the answers, therefore, we must continue to grow, develop and learn for the betterment of the whānau, hapū, and iwi we work with. Constantly striving to move from the unknown into the light of knowing.


Mō te Māori kia eke ki te tika i roto i ngā huarahi, kia tutuki ngā wawata me te whakapakari i ngā whakapapa mā te whai i Te Waiora o Tane. 

Whaiao is responsible for ensuring that Whānau, Hapū, Iwi, Hapori & Marae are supported to achieve their aspirations in play, active recreation, and sport through connection to whakapapa, Mātauranga Māori, Te Reo me ona Tikanga.   

As He Oranga Poutama Partners with Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa we use Te Whetū Rehua as our framework to ensure we have a Te Ao Māori Centric approach when working with whānau Hapū, Iwi, Hapori Māori, and Marae.   

Rāti Sinclair - Pou Hiwa Whaiao


Paora Simon - Pou Waiora
