Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Boasts New Home at Lake Waikere

Since its inception in 2011, the Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club (headwaters of the Kaipara) has grown in strength.

The club is now well established at Lake Waikere in the Taharoa Domain. The old clubrooms once known as the Kai Iwi Lakes Water Ski Clubrooms were vacated in 2016 with the idea of making it a Water Education Centre. This has given the opportunity for the local waka ama club to establish a new youth programme and the clubrooms provide much needed storage for its gear. The club has two W6 waka (6 person), one W2 (2 person) and two W1 (1 person) as well as paddles and lifejackets that the club and the community can use.


The new location has encouraged more whānau to join the club as they are excited to be able to have such a safe and beautiful place for their tamariki and rangatahi to learn to paddle and train.


The club is seeking funding to purchase another W6 as there are so many whānau attending the trainings and the current waka are just not enough. Recently, four of the members have qualified for the W1 nationals in January which is very exciting.


Carmen Lawrence, a long-time member of the club is so excited to have such a great result for the club and recently posted “Awesome day today!! Most of our Tamariki 1st time on W1s today..They just cracked it!!.. They had full on training…. I’m exhausted! From watching it all.. 😊


If you would like to join the club email hikuwai.kaipara.waka.ama@gmail.com for more details.

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