Sport Northland will be hosting a satellite event as part of the Sport NZ Women and Girls Summit on 29 September 2021.
The Sport NZ Women + Girls Summit 2021 is a nationwide one-day event for those who aspire to or are currently working towards delivering more equal opportunities for young women to improve physical activity and wellbeing in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Shaped under the overall theme “Change in Action”, the 2021 Summit is focused on the experiences of young women aged 16-30 with a programme packed full of keynote speakers, workshops and panels ready to empower attendees with the practical steps to implement and sustain positive change for women and girls.
Sport Northland, supported by ASB, will be hosting a free satellite event in Whangarei on the day of the summit to provide networking opportunities, build connections and champion the work that is already happening in Te Tai Tokerau to improve physical activity experiences for young women. Under the Covid-19 delta alert level 2 guidelines the event will be restricted to 50 attendees so get your registrations in quick to secure a place.
The satellite event will host in-person workshops and panels comprising local young women and physical activity providers to enable conversations and learnings to take place in a Te Tai Tokerau context. Attendees will also hear from guest speaker Jude Campbell. Jude works for Tennis NZ as the Te Tai Tokerau Participation Coordinator, however, is strongly embedded in the Northland community through her role as a founder of Tahunakura Charitable Trust which was established to tautoko and nurture Northland based tertiary students.
The satellite event will also tune in online to the main event to hear from keynote speakers, including Arizona Leger (Emerging Director, Counties Manukau Rugby Football Union Board), Leilani Hakiwai (Group Fitness Instructor), Chelsea Lane (High Performance Consultant) and Rachel Māia (Para-climber).
Janine Moy, Sport Northland’s System Lead says, “We are very excited to be hosting a satellite event in Te Tai Tokerau and providing an opportunity for all those working and interested in growing physical activity opportunities for wahine in our rohe. Hopefully the event will be a springboard for some great networking, learning and even some collaborative opportunities.”
Full details of the event and the registration link can be found on https://www.sportnorthland.co.nz/events-kaupapa/Women-and-Girls-Summit-2021 or by contacting Sport Northland (09) 437 9600.
About Sport Northland
Sport Northland is Northland’s Regional Sports Trust – a charitable trust with a core purpose of ‘enriching lives through play, active recreation and sport’ and a vision of ‘All Northlanders leading better lives through involvement in play, active recreation and sport’.
Sport Northland also has a number of flagship programmes, events, facilities and activities under its umbrella - these include the national award-winning region-wide Run/Walk Series, the national award winning Top Energy WaterSafe for Life programme and other successes such as Green Prescription, Active Workplaces, He Oranga Poutama, BikeReady and Healthy Active Learning, as well as the work of our Community Connectors in communities across the region.
Sport Northland also owns and operates Kensington Fitness and McKay Stadium and owns (but contracts out the management) of the Whangarei Aquatic Centre, the Bay of Islands Recreation Centre and the Kauri Coast Community Pool.
For further information please contact:
Anna Markwick
Active Communities Manager
Email: annam@sportnorth.co.nz
Mobile: 0274 416 281
CDL Group Northland Sports House
97 Western Hills Drive, Kensington,
Whangārei 0112
CDL Group Northland Sports House - 09 437 9600
McKay Stadium / Kensington Fitness - 09 437 4404