Twelve Northland Secondary Schools took the field and competed at the recently held Northland regional Secondary Schools Ki-o-rahi event held at Lindvart Park, Kaikohe.
“Among the schools were new faces and participants from Abundant Life and Rodney College who travelled to the kaupapa and competed with heart against local schools Northland College, Kaikohe Christian College and TKKM o Kaikohe” says event organiser and Sport Northland Kaiwhakahaere, Leela Hauraki. Hauraki goes on to say “it’s the interest and dedication from kaimahi, students and schools that continues to excite and grow the kaupapa. Although it’s a qualifying event for Nationals, the essence of the day is always about positive play and promoting whanaungatanga in sport”.
For the second year running, Whangarei Girl’s High demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and were presented the “wairua” in recognition of their positive role modelling and contribution they brought to the kaupapa.
In division two, Ruawai College placed third, Northland College second and first place getters Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rawhiti Roa who took out the division.
In division one, the top four schools qualified for Nationals (to be held next year) and included Okaihau College and Bay of Islands College who placed third equal, Kerikeri High School who were runners up coming in at second place and Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kaikohe who are the 2015 Northland Secondary School Ki-o-Rahi Champions.
“A special mention goes out to all the kaimahi and participants involved on the day. All teams played with heart and wairua and the awhi and tautoko from kaimahi contributed to the success on the day, he mihi nui ki a koutou katoa” says Hauraki.
For more information about ki-o-rahi or to book a have a go day contact Leela Hauraki on
(09) 437 9613 or email: